Yarn supply list - Season 9

Episode 1 - Shadow Weave - Further Explorations

  • 4 shaft project: 4 cones of 8/2 cotton, 2 cones Merlot, and 2 cones Natural to weave 5 towels.
  • 8 shaft project: 4 cones of 8/2 cotton, 2 cones Royal, and 2 cones Natural to weave 5 towels.

Episode 2 - TBA

Episode 3 - Diversified Plain Weave

*Note about making your warp: in order to have two threads of the thin 16/2 cotton available for winding the warp (2 threads of the same colour are needed) we wound a styrene spool with half of that yarn from the 16/2 cotton cone.

  • 4 shaft project: 2 cones of Organic Cotton Cloud, 1 Natural, 1 Lime, and two cones of 16/2 cotton, 1 Natural, and 1 Pale Limette to weave 5 baby blankets
    • OR 2 cones of Organic Cotton Cloud, 1 Natural, 1 Charcoal, and two cones of 16/2 cotton, 1 Natural and 1 Charcoal for 2 shawls

**Note about heddle required for 4 shaft projects**

Heddle Count for the baby blanket project:

Shaft 1: 193

Shaft 2: 193

Shaft 3: 116

Shaft 4: 76

Heddle Count for optional shawl project:
Shaft 1: 137
Shaft 2: 137
Shaft 3: 68

Shaft 4: 68

  • 8 shaft project: 2 cones of Organic Cloud Cotton, 1 Natural,1 Peacock, and two cones of 16/2 cotton, 1 Natural and 1 Peacock for 5 baby blankets
    • OR 2 cones of Organic Cloud Cotton, 1 Natural,1 Curry, and two cones of 16/2 cotton, 1 Natural, and 1 Gold for 2 shawls. For an additional stripe for the shawls, you will also need a few bobbins of Organic Cotton Cloud in Grey and 1 bobbin of 16/2 cotton in Dark Grey.

**Note about heddle required for 8 shaft projects**

Heddle Count for the baby blanket project:

Shaft 1: 193 Shaft 5: 42

Shaft 2: 193 Shaft 6: 42

Shaft 3: 28 Shaft 7: 32

Shaft 4: 32 Shaft 8: 26

Heddle Count for optional shawl project:

Shaft 1: 123 Shaft 5: 26

Shaft 2: 123 Shaft 6: 26

Shaft 3: 20 Shaft 7: 20

Shaft 4: 20 Shaft 8: 10

Episode 4, 6 & 7 - TBA

Episode 5 - Sewing Bags and Pouche with your Handwoven Fabrics - No yarn needed

Episode 8 - Season 9 Finale - No yarn needed

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